Not all naturopathic doctors are able to prescribe hormones or administer therapeutic doses of select nutrients, however, in 2016 I successfully completed additional training and certification to do so. My scope of practice includes access to a list of controlled substances including Bio-identical Hormones (estrogen and progesterone), Desiccated Thyroid and Intramuscular Injections of B12 and Folate.

Women entering menopause tend to have many questions and concerns about their health and the changes they’re experiencing. With all the different treatment methods available, addressing the symptoms of menopause can be a daunting and troubling task to say the least. What’s more, is that women considering the use of hormone therapy are reluctant to pursue it considering the findings of the Women’s Health Initiative Hormone Therapy Trials (WHI). Together, we’ll work on relieving this stress and educating you on what to expect as you enter menopause, as well as the variety of options available to treat your symptoms, and even general information on vaginal health as your hormones shift.

WHI hormone therapy trials

The Women’s Health Initiative has conducted a series of trails on the effectiveness of a variety of hormone theory methods. These trials focused mainly on preventing heart disease, hip fracture and stroke. The findings are understandably troubling to many women, as the studies found that the overall health risks of combined hormone therapy exceeded the benefits. Reports from these studies also indicate that the use of equine-derived hormones and synthetic progestatgens (which are very different from bio-identical hormones) increased the risk of stroke and had no preventative effect on heart disease.

Hormone therapy stigma

The findings of the WHI have made women suspicious of hormonal therapy and skeptical of the term “natural hormones”, which is not strictly enough defined, and has been applied to some ineffective or even potentially dangerous treatment methods.

In addition, many women disagree with the idea of treating menopause like an illness rather than a normal part of life. My approach stems from an understanding that there are many factors contributing to the symptoms of menopause, and that every woman experiences menopause in her own way.

It’s important to look at the big picture – not just hormone levels alone – and build a treatment plan that’s right for you. Women are right to be skeptical of conventional approaches to hormone therapy, but luckily there are alternative methods of hormone therapy available, such as bio-identical hormone therapy.

Bio-identical hormone therapy

When indicated, I have found bio-identical hormones to be a successful intervention to support my female patients who experience menopausal symptoms that have been resistant other methods of treatment. Bio-identical hormones are plant-based hormones that act just like the hormones that your body produces. BHT has many benefits and can be used to treat symptoms such as breast tenderness, weight gain, hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. Bio-identical hormones are considered a safe and effective alternative to equine-derived hormones, which are associated with an increase in blood clots and other health risks.

As you can see, there are a variety of different hormone therapy treatment methods available, but they don’t all come from the same source or carry the same risks. It’s essential that you educate yourself, but it’s also important that you consult an experienced healthcare provider when deciding which methods of hormone regulation are right for you. A Comprehensive Health Assessment and Hormone Panel are a great place to start.

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